Observability Course Labs

Building Grafana Dashboards

It's easy to go overboard with visualizations and build fancy panels for every metric you capture. There will be too much information if you have more than a dozen or so panels on your dashboard, and it will stop being effective.

You should build your dashboards starting from a wireframe where you sketch out panels which answer the questions you have about the status of your app.


Run Prometheus & Grafana

We'll run the metrics components in Docker containers again, but this time we'll make use of Grafana's automation so we don't need to configure a data source manually:

Run the metrics containers:

docker-compose -f labs/grafana-dashboard/metrics.yml up -d

Browse to Grafana at http://localhost:3000

Sign in with the configured credentials:

We're using the light theme by default now; browse to http://localhost:3000/datasources and you'll see Prometheus is already configured.

Prometheus is running too, using a new configuration:

Browse to http://localhost:9090/service-discovery

Click show more for the fulfilment processor job, and you'll see the new target labels which will be applied to all metrics.

Run all the demo apps and the metrics will start being collected (apps.yml specifies all the containers):

docker-compose -f labs/grafana-dashboard/apps.yml up -d

Visualzing counters and gauges

We're going to build a dashboard for the demo app, focusing on some of the SRE Golden Signals. Here's the sketch showing what we're looking for:

Different visualizations work well for different types of data. In these exercises you'll be given the PromQL and some guidance, but you don't need to represent panels exactly as they are here.

All our components record CPU and memory usage so we can build panels to show saturation.

Fulfilment processor saturation

This one is nice and simple. For the memory visualization, we can use the dotnet_total_memory_bytes metric - it's only produced by this component.

A bar gauge would be a good representation, showing one bar per instance. This is a lightweight component, under 3MB of memory is good, up to 5MB is OK - above that isn't so good. It would look something like this:

Need some help?

Configure your bar gauge to use:

This component produces a process_cpu_seconds_total metric to show CPU usage - but other components use the same metric name. To build a panel for this you'll need to filter by label:

sum without(instance, job) (rate(process_cpu_seconds_total{job="fulfilment-processor"}[5m]))

A time series visualization would work well, using bars to show the stacked results, something like this:

Document API and node saturation

These are more counters and gauges to visualize.

Rather than do more of the same, you can import the dashboard from dashboards/part-1.json to load the rest of the saturation panels:

Load this dashboard and edit the panels to see how they're put together

Or if you'd rather build it yourself...

For the Java app you'll use this memory query:

sum without(instance, job, tier, id, area) (jvm_memory_used_bytes{job="fulfilment-api"})

And this CPU query:

sum without(job) (rate(process_cpu_usage{job="fulfilment-api"}[5m]))

For the node memory, it would be useful to see how much memory is in use as a percentage, rather than the number of megabytes.

The node exporter has multiple memory metrics you can combine to show that:

(node_memory_MemTotal_bytes - node_memory_MemFree_bytes - node_memory_Buffers_bytes - node_memory_Cached_bytes - node_memory_SReclaimable_bytes) / node_memory_MemTotal_bytes 

You can use a similar visualization to show percentage of free disk space:

min without(mountpoint) (node_filesystem_avail_bytes) / min without(mountpoint) (node_filesystem_size_bytes)

And for the CPU panel:

sum without(job, cpu, mode) (rate(node_cpu_seconds_total[5m]))

Visualzing summaries and histograms

Latency is the next important signal - we can add visualizations to show average HTTP request times for the document API, and percentile document processing times.

You can load the completed visualizations for this section from dashboards/part-2.json, or continue to build them yourself

The Java API records a summary metric called http_server_requests which includes a response code label, so we can graph durations for OK and non-OK responses.

Add a new panel and use this PromQL to get the average durations:

sum by(status) (rate(http_server_requests_seconds_sum{job="fulfilment-api"}[5m])) /  sum by(status) (rate(http_server_requests_seconds_count{job="fulfilment-api"}[5m])) 

Your panel will look something like this - browse to http://localhost:8080/documents and http://localhost:8080/notfound to produce data with different response codes:

Summaries only give you a coarse average, compared to histograms. You store less data but you can't break down the average to see outliers.

The fulfilment processor records a histogram of processing times. You can use Promtheus' histogram_quantile function to generate percentiles. This PromQL will give the 90th percentile processing time, split by instance:

histogram_quantile(0.90, sum without(instance, job, tier)(rate(fulfilment_processing_seconds_bucket[5m])))

We can use that to show the 90th percentile processing time, i.e. the processing duration for 90% of documents (with the remaining 10% taking longer):

There's nothing special about the response from a histogram query, you can build it into a panel in the usual way with a time series visualization.


Grafana does have special handling for histograms - you can visualize them as heatmaps which clearly show the distribution of data over time.

To finish the dashbord, put together a heatmap for the fulfilment processing time histogram using this query:

avg by(le) (rate(fulfilment_processing_seconds_bucket[5m]))

Your panel will look something like this:

Stuck? Try hints or check the solution.


Cleanup by removing all containers:

docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)